Friday 13 January 2017

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of my main product and ancillary texts?

To make my main product and ancillary texts as effective as possible I created a house style for my products. I ensured that I used similar colours, font and design in each product which I created. This way the product looks more professional and also means the audience can clearly link all the products together. The use of a house style has helped to create a brand identity. This  means they are more
likely to be aware of anything produced by the artist thus increasing the products sales.

How I have created a brand identity across my digipak and advert

Across my digipak products I have decided to use a blend between a light pale blue and a dark pale blue. I did this because I thought they complicated each other well. This slightly goes against stereotypes of a pop genre design, which would generally consist of bright colours. However I thought this would help it to stand out to the audience.

I also created a brand identity through including images of the animal characters that feature in the video dotted all over my digipak. this makes it clear to the audience what they expect from the artist, which is the idea of being slightly different and trying something new. This is also shown by the design of the background with the blue paint coming through the title.

I stuck to a similar font throughout to make it clear the kind of style the artist is going for which is to be consistent with their music. As well as this the texts are laid our in a simple way, this shows how the brand is mainly aiming at a younger audience.

How I have created a brand identity in my music video

In my music video it is clear the video is concept based and is trying to be slightly different to other videos through the use of characters with animal heads. The use of the masks represents how we are all equal regardless of how we look.

Similarly to the other texts, the video is trying to connect with a younger audience by acting as a stereotypical teenager. The main artist is presented as very  relaxed, hanging out with friends and having a good time. This helps the video appeal to a younger audience as many teenagers can relate to this. I have ensure the lighting in all my scenes is full of bright to give an emphasis on happyness and positivity, which can also be seen in my other texts.

How I think my digipak design will sell the song/album to the audience

I believe the design of the digipak will spark an interest in the target, increasing their interest in the albums and therefore the amount of sales. I think the use of bright colours and a catchy name 'Lazy Days' , which teenagers can relate to will help capture and gain the audiences attention against other digipak designs. This is also achieved by going against stereotype. I did this by trying something different and including animal masked characters on the front cover of my font cover which gets the audience asking questions. I kept to a clear and simple design so that the digipak was easy to recognise and read to widen my audience. I wanted the digipak to be gender neutral with a mix of female and male characters to ensure the album would interest both genders. The actual design of my inner and outer covers is supposed to be a modern graffiti look, with each of the characters being very distinctive. I thought this would interest a younger audience who would find a pop/modern design appealing.

How I think my advert design will sell the song/album to the audience

My magazine advert is laid out in a very similar way to my digipak, for instance it features an enlarged image of the front cover of the digipak. This is so that it implants its design into the heads of consumers so they recognise the album if they come across it. Again here the design is very simple and information is kept to a minimum. This is stereotypical for pop genre adverts as it keeps the younger audiences attention and focuses on imagery and bright colours.

I have included a review by a well known music magazine, which comments positively on the artists album. This is to increase sales as many consumers trust this organisations opinion, and therefore consider listening and purchasing the album. The poster has a large header featuring the artists name in a large font, which is bigger the name of the album. This is stereotypical for new artists as it is important to get there name noticed by the audience, so they keep interesting in the artists and consider purchasing the artists music in the future. The adverts design also features possible streaming services and online stores where customers can purchase the album. This will particularly interest my target audience as these services are predominantly used by younger audiences.

Overall the ancillary texts I have created for this project have similar designs which link them together very well. Therefore I am confident the texts I have created would be very marketable if put to the test.


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