Saturday 14 January 2017

Evaluation Question 3

What I have learnt from audience feedback

Throughout the development of my video and other ancillary text, I received a lot of feedback on what others thought of my texts and how they could be improved. This ensured I was consistently improving how they looked and were created.

I produced a survey so that I could collect feedback on my product from the audience. I asked various open questions giving people the opportunity to give me as much feedback as possible. I gave the survey predominantly to teenagers as they are my target audience for my video. However  I wanted to see what a wider audience would think of my music video, so I also also asked my peers and teachers. Asking the following questions enabled me to gain feedback on what I would change and how I would improve if I was to do this again in the future.

Who do you think the target audience of my music video is?

Almost all of the responses I received for this question said they thought the target audience was teenagers. I am happy with this response because this was my target audience. The audience thought this because of the young cast involved with the film as well as the relaxed atmosphere the video had. However a few mentioned how the audience was "a wide range 12 to 22". I was surprised at this, because I didn't think the video would appeal to an audience as young as 12. My peer said this because they thought "it has a small and easy story that's not too complicated and easy to understand". The large majority of people I asked thought the music video would appeal to both genders.  Most people said there reason for this due to there being two boys and two girls as characters.

What did you think was good about my music video?

Most people responded to this question saying how they really liked the characters especially one responded who said "I really like the characters with there animal masks, it really helps the video grab your attention". My peer said "its a really relaxing song that many can listen when they ant to chill". Others said they liked how the main artist lip syncs with the song, as well as the constant links with the visuals and lyrics. I was told the use of various different bright colours and lighting really helped the video feel uplifting. One of my peers said "its something different and eye catchy that's what makes it a realistic pop music video.

How do you think my music video could be made better?

There was a range of aspects people suggested my video could have been improved. People mostly mentioned the over use of similar scene location. One of my recipients said "I think you repeat the scene with the artists lying on the bed too much, I would have included more outdoor scenes like the trampoline scene".  I was aware of this when creating the video, however I wanted the visuals to be mainly based indoors as he song is about being lazy. However if I was to do this again I would definitely consider doing a bigger variety of scenes as I understand I did repeat this scenes a few times.

Another recipient said how I used a bigger variety of shots in my video such as a point of view shot or an establishing shot. I heavily focused on the close ups and medium shots because I wanted to focus on the characters emotions and expressions.

 A few people picked up on the fact that the video could have had a story within it to keep the audience more engaged in what was going on. My response to this is that my initial plans and intentions were to have a story, however after reading through the lyrics in more depth I thought a concept type video would go better with the song. However next time I would have more consideration over maybe including a story within the video as in would appeal to a wider audience.

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