Monday 3 October 2016

Intertextuality in music videos

What is intertextuality?

Intertextuality is where popular cultures or media texts are referenced to in different media texts. Directors use previously existing texts because they are recognisable to the audience. 

Imagine Dragons - On Top Of The World 

In this music video there is a clear reference to the famous image of The Beatles crossing in 1969. This is a very small clip in the video, but is there to catch the eye of the audience for humorous effect.

Robbie Williams - You Know Me

In this music video Robbie Williams is dressed as a white rabbit in a brown suite, with the location being very easily to relate to 'Alice in wonderland' which is a very famous story with a number of films. There are constant references to it ranging from Robbie's costume of a rabbit with a cane just like the rabbit in the story. The biggest reference was to MGM's famous lion credit, which instead of a lion had a rabbit. 

Taylor Swift - Love Story
This song contains various lyrics from Romeo and Juliet such as "pulled out a ring and said marry me Juliet". Similar scenes that viewers will be able to link to Romeo and Juliet through the use of scenes like the castle, the wood and a ball. Romero and Juliet is a love story which is known universally, through referencing to this love story this video is reaching a wider audience to familiarise with the song.

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