Saturday 8 October 2016

Locations List

Donnington Castle - I want to use this iconic castle for a dancing scene. My dancers and monkeys can be dancing on the ruins or in front of the castle. I think this would be a really interesting location to film on and intrigue the audience.

Lonleat Centre Parks - This location would be great for filming the characters doing various activities like swimming or climbing. I will not be able to use a normal camera due to the risk of it being damaged. Instead I hope to use an action camera such as the GoPro to record.

Back garden trampoline - This will be used to film a seen of the animals jumping on the trampoline having a good time. I think this will be good to use at some points between the main chorus. I will need to ensure that all of my actors are careful whilst are the trampoline, such as making sure there aren't too many on there at the same time, which could  potentially make it unsafe. 

Slanting Hill Forest - The forest and woods would be a good background for the main artist and back dancers to do a dance routine. I also plan on having the animals hide behind tree as they try to catch my main artist.

Northcroft Hill - I hope to potentially use this for the main chorus, as it is a grassy area where i could have all the actors lying on the ground miming the song. However because it is on a hill we wouldn't be able to go if it had been recently raining due it possibly be very muddy and slippy. 

River Kennet - Down the River Kennet, just outside the town centre there is a canal lock, which I
think would be a good location to use as another scene for my characters to do a dancing scene. However there a various hazards with being so close to the canal. For instance I would have to be very careful with the filming equipment, as well as ensuring the crew are safe and dont get too close to the canal.

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